This week our CEO Clayton Banks was featured as Story of the Week. Here is an excerpt..
Who is Clayton Banks?
I am the co-founder and CEO of Silcon Harlem. Silicon Harlem is about transforming Harlem into a tech and innovation hub. Our focus is on urban markets, particularly inner cities, those who are marginalized in a lot of ways, and providing the broadband connection that they need to improve their lives whether it’s through education, through jobs, through health, etc. My entire career and life has been dedicated to figuring out how to help people communicate better between each other – it touches on everything from intergenerational as well as diversity that we talk so much about in today’s business environment. So I’m very dedicated to what I call ‘moving communities forward’.
Career Journey
So let me tell you about my career and particularly my career journey if you will. So I’ve been very fortunate in my life – very fortunate, I don’t take it for granted – but I have five passions in my life, five really distinct passions. And the good news, I’ve been able to actually work and make money in all five of them.
(See below for more detailed stories of “Clayton’s Career Journey of Five Passions”)
Top Accomplishments: The Gamer…..cont